Quality assurance
At the Danish National Biobank (DNB) we're working to meet the requirements for accreditation
Accreditation is an acknowledgement of the competencies and impartiality of a state institution in order to advance trust in services and products from the company. In Denmark companies are controlled and checked by DANAK.
In the DNB we have chosen to work according to a brand new standard specifically targeting biobanks (ISO/DIS 20387). This standard specifies requirements for competent, impartial and stable operation of a biobank (including quality control) to ensure high quality biological material and associated data.
We're working diligently to establish a quality management system and outline standardised operating procedures to ensure the quality of all DNB products and services. We have an extensive task ahead of us involving all DNB employees.
Based on the ISO/DIS 20387 standard we continuously optimise our processes and products. This enables us to have biological materials at the disposal of researchers while at the same time meeting the requirements for sample quality, necessary documentation, and authorisations.
We are happy to answer any questions and share our experience regarding biobanking quality assurance, accreditation or process optimisation.

Danish National Biobank
T. +45 5122 6605
@. mail@nationalbiobank.dk
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